atomic furnace

英 [əˈtɒmɪk ˈfɜːnɪs] 美 [əˈtɑːmɪk ˈfɜːrnɪs]




  1. Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometric Determination of Gallium in Environmental Samples Using Graphite Furnace Platform Technique
  2. An atomic furnace must be surrounded by heavy thick walls so that the rays cannot get out.
  3. Study on Determination of selenium by low pressure atomic absorption spectrometry with a quartz tube furnace atomizer and hydride generation with air addition
  4. Atomic Loss Mechanism in a Constant-Temperature Furnace Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy
  5. Flame atomic absorption spectrometry has the advantages of good selectivity, high precision, wide range of application, rapid and simple but not so sensitive as graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry.
  6. The amounts of heavy metal elements in cigarette background and their total residuals in filter tip, cigarette butt and cigarette ash were determined by atomic fluorescence spectrometry and graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry, and the volatile quantity was calculated in the course of smoking.
  7. Continuously determining trace Ti GA in rocks and minerals by using atomic absorption method with graphite furnace& taking Ni as a matrix improver
  8. In the determination of trace mercury by cold atomic absorption spectrometry with gold trap of mercury method of digestion of microwave furnace and method of wet digestion were used for pretreatment of biological samples.
  9. A Study on the Atomic Absorption of Hg in Graphite Furnace and Its Application
  10. Comparison between two Atomic Absorption Spectrometric Methods with Flame or with Graphite Furnace in Determining Lead Fume and Dust in the Air of Workplaces
  11. To compare the two atomic absorption spectrometric methods with flame ( FAAS) or with graphite furnace ( GFAAS) in determining lead fume and dust in the air of workplaces.
  12. Methods: The increment of nickel soak from the equipment of drinking water was determined by graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry with matrix modifier and optimized furnace program.
  13. Determination of trace platinum in rock ore by atomic absorption spectrometry of graphite furnace after separation and enrichment with cation exchange resin
  14. Do some research on determining the microelement-copper and silver in pure iron and high temperature alloy by method for atomic absorption of graphite bar furnace and get the satisfactory result without separation.
  15. Determination of Trace Gold by Electrothermal Atomic Absorption Spectrometry with a Rapid Furnace Programme
  16. The samples of snail meat were digested by microwave, Hg was detected by atomic fluorescence spectrometry, Cu and Cr by flame atomic absorption spectrometry ( AAS), and Pb by furnace AAS.
  17. Mechanism of Atomic Lead Formation in a Constant-Temperature Furnace
  18. Improvement of Hand-injection in Atomic Absorption Spectrometry Graphite Furnace
  19. Objective To establish a method for determination of aluminum in diluted milk samples by graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry with furnace interior direct digestion.